Tuesday, April 9, 2013

#17 TITLE: Float

 There was no inspiration that actually made me want to take this picture it was just a simple jump that she made.The story i was trying to tell was about a girl who had the power of flying.
The challenges that i had were getting her in mid air and taking the shot.The resolution  i had to this problem was getting the camera first on focus then took the picture.Some artist challenges i faced was having to get a good background.I resolved the problem by trying out different background and having to chose the best one.

This pose was inspired by action movies i had seen and i felt there had to be a bit of drama. The story i was trying to tell was a little girl fighting a villain and saving the world.Some of the technical difficulties there was are the timing of actually taking the picture.How i overcame this problem is trying to keep up with the action that the characters gave me. Some of the artist challenges were trying to make the background blend in with the characters clothing.I overcame this problem by trying to make the  characters stand out.

My inspiration that made me want to take this picture was i wanted something different instead of standing up like the rest of the pictures i wanted him  to be floating sitting down.I guess the story i was trying to tell is about this boy that found out he could fly and was being careful to float up. Some of the technical difficulties i really didn't have one because he was sitting down except for him covering the chair. I overcame this by  just trying to cover up most of  the chair. Some of the artistic problems i had were trying to not get the trees growing out his head and to not make him blend into the background. i overcame this problem by making the background settle with the color of clothing he was wearing.

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