Wednesday, December 12, 2012

shutter speed layout

  • Where were you when you took this picure?we were in near the vending machines
  • What problems did you have prior to getting this specific shot?my difficulty was to capture them in the air
  • Why was this shot the best representation of the Skill?because the picture looked very powerful
  • What settings did you try before getting this shot (and why did they not work for you?) i try a variety and i still had difficulty in the brightness
  • What could be improved in this picture? i would improve the light on this picture

  • Where were you when you took this picure? near the library
  • What problems did you have prior to getting this specific shot? having a specific time to take the picture
  • Why was this shot the best representation of the Skill?
  • What settings did you try before getting this shot (and why did they not work for you?)some of the settings that i worked with either came out very dark
  • What could be improved in this picture? i could of improved on this picture by making it less blurry
  • Where were you when you took this picure?we were in near the vending machines
  • What problems did you have prior to getting this specific shot?my difficulty was to capture them in a good time
  • Why was this shot the best representation of the Skill?because they both were in a nice pose to take the picture
  • What settings did you try before getting this shot (and why did they not work for you?)the settings i tried before were either to dark or too bright
  • What could be improved in this picture? something i could improve from this picture would be the alli'nement
  • Where were you when you took this picure?near the library 
  • What problems did you have prior to getting this specific shot?capturing the leves at the right momment
  • Why was this shot the best representation of the Skill?i think it was the best was because everything fell into place
  • What settings did you try before getting this shot (and why did they not work for you?)i had tried several but i still had difficulties
  • What could be improved in this picture? something can be improved would be the light

  • Where were you when you took this picure? was the door at the library
  • What problems did you have prior to getting this specific shot?my difficulty was to capture the the door at a good timing
  • Why was this shot the best representation of the Skill?because it was a  good picture 
  • What settings did you try before getting this shot (and why did they not work for you?)i had tried several but i still had difficulty with the time
  • What could be improved in this picture? Make it less blurry

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