Monday, January 28, 2013

#14 Photo Analysis: Portraits

An old man is in this picture. The face expression he has is a sadness that flows in his eyes. This old man has a sad face like a no tomarrow. Something is triggering in his mind.Three things that i might infer is that he is thinking about someone or something . The second thing is he isnt a happy man for the momment. My last observation is that he was going through alot in his early times. One quesion that may rise in my mind is that if he is going to be ok?

A young man his late 30's . The face expression is happiness.This man is so happy that he is even jumping in the air. Three inferations that i have about this man is he probley got a job. The second is might have gotten a better life style. My last inferation would be is he may have gotten good news about someone speacial. one question i have would be Why did this man get so happy.
In this picture there is this 3 year old. In this picture there is a grassy feild with a  dull sky. It looks like she is at the park and probley playing. Three things that i may infer would be would be she is playing. The second would be she is having a good day. My third is she is cold. A question that i may have Is what is the little girl running away from?
An asian is in this picture probley in her late 20's.  She has white powder on her face and red eye shadow with really red lips. Based on what she looks like i may infer that she has a celebration. The second wold be something of happiness is going to happen. My last is she looks confused. Why is she wearing really tense makeup.
A baby is in this picture. The baby is sitting in a sofa and droolingl. Three things i might infer are he is very cute. The second thhing is that the baby might of seen something funny to which he started laughing. My last observation is that he was having no worries on his mind. One question i have is why did the photographer decide to take the baby  the picture without any clothing.

Monday, January 7, 2013

End of the World


  I would consider saving nature. first because that's what we humans need in order to be alive.Second because without nature we wouldn't be able to plant our crops. we also wouldn't be able to play sports.Last because with out Earth i wouldn't be able to make fire to keep us warm from the cold.



This may be our greatest helpful resource to travel  in a "car". This is something i would like to save if the the world would come to an end. Because its a very helpful and useful object. It could help us get to our destination. the car can even work for a home.



These are the ones to go to when times are chill. They can be the ones you can talk too.They're the ones who can go to when you're in need of help. And can help you catch food. They're the ones who you can help you survive.